The pilot known as "Dervish" was born on an obscure Outer Rim planet called "Polton", in the Tir System. A peaceful planet with few large cities, it bartered with other groups for starship technology in exchange for foodstuffsand various crafts. As trade became more common on Polton, the Empire caught wind of this newly discovered planet, and as they do with all defenseless planets with plenty of resources, they staged a coup d'etat, and dethroned their King. Ten years pass. As of three years after the infamous battle of Yavin, the Empire reigned supreme with an iron fist over these peaceful people.
Little did the Moff of Polton know that there was a considerable resistance being assembled. The resistance consisted of a dozen council members, and its many members were organized by an intricate network of cells, each one having an average of 3-5 members, typically close friends or family, to prevent Imperial spies from infiltrating their ranks. They often met inside their ancient temples, as Imperial stormtroopers and other members of the entourage of the Empire would rarely give much thought or respect to a local system's religious customs, let alone religion at all. Eventually, a foreigner managed to sneak into their network of cells -- fortunately for them, this "spy" wasn't working for the Empire, but for none other than the Rebel Alliance. After a while, the covert op managed to speak with the council, and offer support for their struggle in the form of weapons, starfighter escort, and such. Within a few short weeks, the Empire was ousted from Polton, and the Rebel Alliance assisted the people with creating a new Republic to replace the oppressive Imperial rule.
Dervish's family was affiliated with the resistance in its early days, and they accepted the Rebel Alliance with open arms. He joined the Starfighter corps shortly afterward, as he always marvelled at way that these strange craft could fly throughout space. He passed all training evaluations with flying colors, and soon it was time to choose a callsign. He chose "Dervish", a name given to all the mystical gnostic monotheists on his home planet. His ancestors were gnostics for generations, and were whispered to have such abilities as faith healing and clairvoyance.
He was first stationed at a small Rebel Outpost Platform three years after the Battle of Yavin. Suddenly, the platform was under attack by an Imperial class Star Destroyer. All fighters scrambled. Being relatively new to the Alliance, he was given a Y-Wing to fly. The Star Destroyer launched squadrons of TIE Bombers and Interceptors. Before he could manage to approach and close in on the TIE Bombers aiming for the platform, Dervish found himself busy as 3 TIE Interceptors approached from behind. Shaking from side to side, the Interceptors remained on his tail. In desperation, he cut all power from the engines. Streaking by almost in a flash, the Interceptors flew by, conveniently in target range. Dervish swiftly dispatched all three, while speeding up once again to join the fray.
Although Reinforcements arrived in the form of a Calamari Cruiser patrolling the area, the platform was quickly destroyed. It was the first instance in Dervish's life when people that he knew well perished in a heartbeat. Of course there were casualties in the revolution against the Empire, but his family and friends were politicians within the Resistance, and didn't fight in the streets. Suddenly, images of many people streaked through his mind ... the cook meticulously cooked meals for the people aboard, even the mechanic who took care of his Y-Wing and said "All set, sir!" in a cheerful voice. All gone, because of these marauders. Dervish suddenly felt much hostility for the Imperials, but simultanously, calmed himself, knowing that blind rage would only get himself killed. He knew what he had to do.
Approaching the Star Destroyer from behind, where less turbolaser fire was expected, Dervish let loose a salvo of photon torpedos at the starboard deflector shield generator at point black range. Pulling up immediately to avoid shrapnel, Dervish made another approach and knocked out the other. "Brash ... but good work. We'll send some fresh Y-Wings to finish her off ..." A gruff voice on the comlink crackled. Suddenly, an Interceptor came out of nowhere and hit his starboard engine. An X-wing fighting the ISD escorts flew out of his current fray and destroyed the assailant. "That was impressive, but you can't do much right now, make a beeline for the cruiser, that's an order!" The X-wing pilot said. Dervish complied, and headed for home.
In the meantime, a senior squadron leader in his 40's approached the young man, as he leaped out of his charred starfighter. "Dervish, you seem to have an aptitude for interception and heavy assaults" The officer began, "We could use some more pilots for a new operation we'll be undertaking in the Sullust system. We'll place you on the Gray Squadron Flight roster." So much was on Dervish's mind at the time, the loss of new aquaintances on the platform assumed secondary importance after he prayed for their souls. What of this "Gray" Squadron? Where is Sullust? So much happened since the Resistance's victory back on Polton ...
The operation on Sullust turned out to be merely a pit stop to amass forces to initiate a major offensive against the Empire on Endor! Much was at stake here, as the Emperor would be in a vunerable position, but then again, so would the Alliance. Before strapping into the cockpit of his A-wing, he beseeched the Maker to endown him with the skills to promote righteousness in the galaxy, or unity in death ... within minutes, they met the enemy, in the form of many Imperial StarDestroyers and a plethora of TIE Fighters. "Look alive everyone, a dozen Interceptors, 100 degrees." Gray Leader said to his flight. They engaged, and sliced through the initial attack. For the next few minutes, sweat poured down Dervish's forehead and could almost penetrate through his gloves. For the hours that followed, Dervish downed dozens of TIE Fighters, Interceptors, and Bombers, and even managed to save a frigate or two from destruction. After the Battle of Endor was over and done with, Alliance Officers were able to access the progress of pilots. Dervish's record was impeccable, and he was asked to join Rogue Squadron by Admiral "Ghent". He eagerly accepted.
Dervish's comrades know him to be a formidable pilot, as well as a good friend, with an outgoing sense of humor. His opponents however, are not likely to find him quite as humorous.
For a short while, Dervish assisted Ghent in administrative duties and flew a handful of missions until a distress call from his world was sent to the Mon Calamari Cruiser he was stationed at. Apparently, his uncle, the undisputed patriarch of the family took sick and passed on. Instrumental to the new government of Polton, his departure could have caused many problems, so Dervish returned, to grieve, and to assist in stabilizing the problems that arose from this.
Months passed, weeks before he would return to active duty, Dervish told his fellow pilots that he would return. Unfortunately, Rogue Squadron's enrollment was full, as a squadron of such renown and the demands placed upon it required it to be filled to capacity at all times. Although a spot could open at any time, there was no way to predict this. In the meantime, The 1st wing needed an additional squadron to assist Rogue in its duties, but all pilots in Rogue Squadron cherished their current assignment too much to resign and form a squadron. Via holonet communications with the CRS, the groundwork was set; Dervish would lead Wraith Squadron.